The use of PVD Masking Fixture is essential if you want to make the perfect piece! PVD clamps and masks help you position parts accurately, prevent deformation, and improve production efficiency and quality. Our PVD fixtures and masks are manufactured with a high precision process that guarantees the accuracy and stability of the parts. With PVD jigs and masks, you can easily complete a variety of complex production tasks to make your work even more perfect! Come to buy, make your production more efficient and accurate!
PVD Masking Fixture-rekin, maskara erraz munta dezakezu bitean, zuloaren ertza mekanizatzeko aukera emanez. Gure aparatuak azken PVD prozesua hartzen du, zuloaren ertzaren zimurtasuna 0,1 mikratan kontrolatu ahal izateko, horrela txiparen etekina asko hobetuz.
1. High precision: Our fixture adopts the latest PVD process, so that the roughness of the hole edge can be controlled within 0.1 micron.
2. Egonkortasun handia: gure aparatuak erresistentzia handiko aluminiozko aleazio materiala hartzen du, eta horrek oso egonkortasun handia du eta erabilera efektu ona mantentzen du bibrazio baldintza gogorretan ere.
3. Erabilgarritasun erraza: gure besarkadak instalatzeko eta erabiltzeko oso errazak dira, eragiketa sinpleak baino ez dituzte behar maskara instalatu eta kentzeko.
4. Kostu baxua: beste ekipamendu marka batzuekin alderatuta, gure ekipamenduak merkeagoak dira eta kostu errendimendu handiagoa dute.
PVD Masking Fixture is definitely your choice! Contact our customer service staff, we will be happy to serve you!